Trauma Competent Care

by | Sep 2, 2024

At Family Hope Coalition, we are convinced that one of the ways we can best support children who have experienced foster care or adoption is to become a trauma-competent caregiver. Whether you are a parent, teacher, ministry worker, or family friend, learning about the ways that trauma affects the brain, body, behavior, and belief system of a child will help equip you to be a healing adult in the life of a child. 

We are so excited to share with you that our Executive Director, Rebecca Rudy, has become an Affiliate Trainer with Trauma Free World. In addition to the Equipped to Care Training that we have offered as a shorter introduction to trauma informed care, we can now share more robust training with you!

Trauma Free World is an international organization seeking to provide trauma training for everyone, everywhere. “Imagine a world where people know how to break the cycle of trauma, where we know how to avoid triggering each other and how to de-escalate aggression, avoid violence, and handle big emotions. That’s what we are working toward.”  They have trained people in over 70 countries and 1000 organizations like Cru, Ronald McDonald House, and many schools and mission organizations worldwide. 

We at Family Hope Coalition align with their vision and are excited to see the ways in which the Lord will use this training in our area. 
If you’re interested in learning more about the possibility of receiving this training for your group, please reach out today!