Who We Are
We are a coalition of local churches and community members who are working together to bring hope to vulnerable children by strengthening their families.

Learn More About…
There are over 400,000 children in the US in foster care, and over 100,00 are waiting to be adopted.
Each child has a name and a story. Each child is valued by God.
We believe that there are more than enough resources in our community to ensure that all children are cared for and have a place to call home. Where abused and neglected children can be cared for as beloved sons and daughters. Where families can be restored, strengthened, and built up.
We are motivated by the love that our Savior has for us. His sacrifice enables us to love sacrificially.
Statement of Faith
WE BELIEVE the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
WE BELIEVE that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families..”
Psalm 68:5-6a
Chris Rainey
Chairman of the Board
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Michelle Copple
Vice Chairman of the Board
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A native Delawarean, Michelle grew up knowing she would one day like to work in a field that helps kids flourish. She earned her nursing degree in 1998 and began specializing in pediatrics. Through this work, Michelle met children and families along the way who inspired in her a desire to either become a foster or adoptive parent, or to support families who are on that journey. After marrying her husband, Mark, and parenting two beautiful daughters into their adolescence, she was presented with the opportunity to serve with Family Hope Coalition. While Michelle thought her role would remain a supporter of families who foster or adopt, God led her and her husband to become licensed to foster in 2020. In 2021, they welcomed their first foster child into their home. Michelle enjoys connecting her church and wider community to advocating for every child to have a forever family, through family preservation, foster care, and adoption. She loves the idea that everyone can do something to help, even if you don’t feel called to foster or adopt. Michelle’s favorite thing to do in her free time is spending time with her family.
Jamie Kaczowka
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Jamie and her husband, John, are members of Ogletown Baptist Church. She has an MBA in Finance from the University of Delaware. After attending an FHC 101 class at their church, and hearing about foster children’s physical needs, Jamie joined the board. She now runs Andrew’s Closet and works closely with Care Portal where she is passionate about helping foster and kinship families while connecting them to a local church. Jamie enjoys encouraging women to study the Bible, gardening and welcoming people into her home. John and Jamie have 4 adult children, 3 who are married, and 6 grandkids under the age of 2.
Jeff Sareyka
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Jeff and his wife, Heather, are members of LifeHouse Church in Middletown, Delaware. They have four children that joined their family biologically and through adoption.
Raina Carwell
Board Member
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Raina and her husband, John are parents of four children ranging from middle school through college. They attend Love of Christ Church in Newark, Delaware. Raina is a social worker with Nemours Children’s Health, and previously worked with both foster and adoptive families at Bethany Christian Services.
Cindy Greenplate
Board Member
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Cindy and her husband, Paul, are parents of six adult children, five through birth and one through international adoption and are grandparents of nine children between the ages of newborn to nine years old. Cindy spent 20 years homeschooling her kids. During the homeschooling years, she enjoyed leading the mission program at her church and helping with the youth group that her children were involved in. Leading youth mission trips was a highlight, combining those two interests into some amazing adventures. After the homeschooling years, Cindy worked as an Adoption Social Worker with Bethany Christian Services for 10 years. Since retiring from Bethany, she has spent much of her time traveling to visit her children and grandchildren as they adventure around the globe doing mission work. Cindy was excited to discover Family Hope in 2019 because it has given her the opportunity to continue to do what loved doing as a social worker at Bethany, serving vulnerable children and their families.
Kevin Koslowsky
Pastoral Advisor
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Kevin is the Senior Pastor of Faith Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, DE where he has served on the pastoral staff since 2002. Kevin earned a PhD in preaching and a ThM in apologetics at Southern Seminary after receiving his MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary. He delights to make the gospel known through Christ-centered preaching. Along with his passion for sharing the gospel through ministry, Kevin enjoys gathering stories, wandering museums, strumming on the guitar, and playing ice hockey in a recreational league. Kevin attended the initial brainstorming meeting in 2008 that led to the formation of our organization and has served on the board as our pastoral advisor since 2014. Kevin and his wife Laura have three children and their youngest was added to their family by adoption from South Korea in 2010.
Lindsay Muir
Board Member
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Laurie Petit
Board Member
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Rebecca Rudy
Executive Director
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Rebecca grew up in Delaware before moving to Pennsylvania for college. She is a graduate of Eastern University and earned her MSW at Temple University. Rebecca has a background in working with adjudicated youth in Philadelphia as well as church administration. Her work with Family Hope Coalition blends her passion for helping vulnerable children and seeing local church bodies working together. Rebecca and her husband moved to Delaware in 2018 to help start a church plant, Redeemer Fellowship Church, where they still attend and are active members. Their son Justus joined their family through adoption in 2018. Together, they enjoy hiking, hosting friends at home, and good food.
Kimberly Beckler
Program Director
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Kimberly’s parenting experience began uniquely when she and her husband went from no kids to sharing a home with 10 elementary-age boys overnight! For 5 years, Kimberly and her husband served as dorm parents at a missionary boarding school in Kenya before making Delaware their home in 2020. Their family now consists of 3 biological children and they have been licensed foster parents through the state since 2022. Kimberly is a member at Redeemer Fellowship where she enjoys living life in connection to the body of Christ. She is excited to join the Family Hope Coalition team and support the work of local families being deeply changed by the realities of the Gospel.
Refresh Support Group
A time of support, encouragement, and prayer for foster + adoptive moms
Andrew’s Closet
Bringing practical support to foster & kinship families within the first 48 hours and beyond
Family Hope 101
Family Support
To continue in the good work of caring for vulnerable children, families need to feel supported. To accomplish this, we offer events where families can grow in their love for one another through intentional fun, thoughtful training catered to the unique challenges of foster and adoptive families, and meaningful fellowship with other families in the same boat.
Support Friends
We all can do something, and foster and adoptive families need the support of friends and family. We offer trainings designed to equip friends and ministry workers to support families who are fostering or have adopted children.
Church Advocates
Spread a message of hope, ensuring that there are more than enough loving homes for children in need. Help your church be equipped to care for children from hard places and promote the cause of vulnerable children.
Trauma Competent Care Training
Educating our community to be better equipped to care for children who have experienced complex developmental trauma.