National Adoption Month Resources
During National Adoption month, we want to advocate for children who are waiting for their forever family, recognize the thousands of people who have been adopted, and bring attention to issues surrounding adoption.
There is a great need for adoptive families for children who are waiting.
We also want to recognize the paradox of adoption, hope and grief crashing together as one family is torn apart while another one is created.
Together, and in our churches, let’s reflect God’s heart for the orphan by sharing the resources below.

“Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
James 1:27
James 1:27 is not a command, “[James is] not so much commanding us to do something as much as he is inviting us to be something – the kind of people who have been so deeply and intrinsically effected by the gospel within us that it begins to express itself in some pure and vivid and clear ways through us.” Jason Johnson
Prayer Cards
Get prayer cards for children waiting to be adopted in Delaware